Encompases all practices on farm, in shed, right through to transportation. Efficient deer handling, management and facility design is paramount in minimising stress on farm.

It is important that farmers understand normal behaviour in their deer in order to manage this unique animal (in a farmed sense).

Transporting deer
The transportation of deer is a vital link in the overall “pasture to plate” concept.
The welfare of deer is a top priority of the NZ deer industry. It is a key element in the pasture to plate concept.

The main aim of efficient deer handling and management is to handle deer without causing undue stress to the animals.

VelTrak - proof of integrity from farm to market. VelTrak is a fully electronic, web-based system that enables velvet to be tracked and traced each step of the way from the farm to the market (and vice-versa).
Thermal comfort
Like all animals, deer require protection from extremes of hot and cold, in order to maintain thermal comfort and maximise productivity. The resources listed below, may be helpful when considering how to ensure the thermal comfort needs of your animals.