
Executive Committee Report | Issue 173

Dec 3, 2021

Well summer is here - early mornings, long days. Hawkes Bay has been a mixed bag with some blessed with thunderstorms and plenty of grass and others crying out for moisture.

Velveting is well under way and the returns are a pleasant reward. Venison schedules haven’t had the usual drop post chilled season which goes some way to making up for the price.

The DFA Exec have recently had meetings with all the marketing reps from the venison companies to discuss concerns and hear what the expectations are for the coming months and further out. The companies are sounding more positive with what looks like a slow but steady opening up of new and traditional markets. Demand needs to build first and then price should follow. Time will tell as even the crystal ball teller is struggling with the effects of Covid-19.

Recently there has been a release of information to farmers on what He Waka Eke Noa is suggesting the on-farm carbon emissions pricing mechanism may look like. There are two options currently on the table and we would encourage you to read through and give feed back to your local DFA Chair, the Exec or DINZ: Positive or negative, or simply if you want clarification of what it all means.

Also, I can’t really write a report without mentioning Covid-19 although by now I am sure we are all inundated with information and opinions. However, it is now a very real threat to our farming operations, and it feels like the calm before the storm. No one knows what things will look like in NZ in the next two or six months. What we do know is that with the opening up of Auckland (and thank you Auckland for the hard yards you have done for the rest of us) and the movement of folk around the country for summer and Christmas, Covid-19 cases will increase and spread. Now is the time to think about the what ifs. How is your business positioned if there are plant closures or you or one of your team is affected by Covid? It is always good to have a plan.

Finally, I would like to welcome Sarah Elmes to the DINZ team, she starts on 17 December, taking over Lindsay Fung’s role as Environmental Stewardship Manager while Lindsay has stepped into the Producer Manager position.

Well, there is only a few more weeks to Christmas so I would like to wish everyone a very happy festive season from all the Exec Team.

Stay safe and well.

- Karen Middelberg, Executive Committee Member, Hawke's Bay


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