Nov 4, 2021
Do you know who your local Branch Chair is?
For an updated list of NZDFA local Branch Chairs, head to the NZDFA Contacts page >>
This page also includes contacts for the Executive Committee and the Selections & Appointments Panel.
2022 DINZ Board Observer
Deer Industry New Zealand is calling for applications for the 2022 DINZ Board Observer. For the third year DINZ is seeking someone with a passion for the deer industry to bring their voice and experience to the board table for 12 months in an Observer capacity.
For further details click here>>
Applications close 30 November. Please send expressions of interest to DINZ CEO
Drop-in session for developing a new land and water regional plan for Otago (LWRP)
As part of the development of the LWRP, the Otago Regional Council will be holding public meetings.
The format of the meetings will include drop-in sessions with ORC staff present to answer questions, and two fixed time in-person ‘structured’ presentations and group discussion from 12.30-2pm and 7-8.30pm. These meetings will be supported through more detailed information contained online, and a post-meeting consultation process.
Queenstown (Upper Lakes) | Wanaka (Upper Lakes) | Owaka (Catlins) |
Queenstown Events Centre 17 November 2021 |
Queenstown Events Centre 18 November 2021 |
Owaka Community Centre 29 November 2021 |
A broad timeframe for these meetings and further information is available at Developing a new land and water regional plan for Otago | Otago Regional Council ( >>
Pest awareness notice: Chilean needle grass - Environment Canterbury
IMPACT: Production
HABITAT: Dry, hard hill country with light soil, heavily grazed pasture and bare ground.
- An erect tufted perennial grass
- Leaves are bright green 2-8mm wide, flat and rough towards base
- Purple panicle with sharp seed present during November/December
- Seed has long, kinked awns up to 7cm long and sharp needle-like tip
If you see this plant, report your sighting using the Find-A-Pest app or email with photographs and location details
Click here to download the Protect Canterbury PDF on Chilean needle grass >>
MetService Outlook - November 2021
Spring weather for New Zealand usually means frequent strong westerlies with fronts whipping up the country from the Southern Ocean. The first ten days of November could not be more different. High pressure across South Island and a small but stubborn low to the northeast of the country combine for a total reversal of the norm. Settled conditions for South Island, with sunshine for the West Coast, although an onshore flow in the east will bring plenty of cloud and drizzle. Gisborne, Hawkes Bay, and eastern Bay of Plenty will see persistent rain accompanied by southeast winds reaching severe gale at times. Northland and Coromandel likely get a more brief, less intense version with other North Island regions being more settled.
With that pattern being etched into our weather maps for so long a change may be welcome news around the 10th. The high is expected to break down, with lows running in from the west. Expect a spell of mild but unsettled weather with places exposed to the north and west bearing the brunt of passing systems.
From mid-month we see signs of high pressure returning with a settled spell across the country. This high then begins to slip southwards, again settling over South Island. This will increasingly allow small areas of low pressure to skirt around its northern flank, possibly ending the month as we began.
Bottom Line: A settled start away from eastern North Island followed by usual spring weather from the 10th. Plenty of fine weather from mid-month before easterlies creep in across North Island. |
You can sign up for the MetService's Monthly Outlook right to your inbox - click here to subscribe.
In Hindsight – 50 years of deer farming in New Zealand

Lynda Gray with a copy of In Hindsight
Deer farming is one of the most exciting farming industries to be a part of: fascinating animals, incredible products, a rollicking history and great people.
This is all captured in In Hindsight – 50 years of deer farming in New Zealand, a new book that has just been published by Country-Wide journalist Lynda Gray, with financial support from the NZDFA.
“The research and interviews I have done highlight to me the inherent trailblazing nature of the deer farming industry over a very long period. Live capture; the launch of Cervena™; quality assurance; environmental awards; the wars against Tb and Johne's; the Next Generation programme; deer milking … they're just some of the many examples of visionary action that's shaped the industry into what it is today,” Gray says.
The book costs $54.95 each plus P+P. Order direct from Lynda Gray, email:
Vet student looking for deer farm placement
Jason Moore is a 2nd year vet student at Massey University and is looking for a 2 week voluntary placement on a deer farm. He is from Hamilton so is looking for a deer farm in the Waikato. If you're able to help out, please get in touch with him directly on or 0221913172
Isabel Kroonenberg is a first year vet student looking for a placement around Palmerston North sometime in November. If you're able to help, get in touch directly with Isabel on