
NZDFA and DINZ industry positions | Issue 176

Apr 8, 2022

Deer Industry New Zealand Board positions

With the retirement of directors Ian Walker and Mark Harris, the following nominations have been received for the 2022-2025 term:

  • Dr Jacqueline Rowarth, Waikato (nominated David Stevens, seconded Peter Allan)
  • Hamish Fraser, South Canterbury (nominated Thomas Macfarlane, seconded Mark Tapley)
  • David Morgan, South Canterbury (nominated Kelly Bennet, seconded Mark Tapley)

The Nominees are invited under the NZDFA constitution to present a short overview of their candidatures at the 17th AGM to be held in Wellington on 25th May 2022. The Selection and Appointments Panel will carry out its processes and make appointments before 1 July 2022, as required.

NZDFA Executive Committee Positions

A singular nomination was received for the two vacancies created by the retirement of rotation of current members, John Somerville and Karen Middelberg:

  • Karen Middelberg, Hawkes Bay (nominated Evan Potter, seconded Grant Charteris)

The remaining vacancy created by the retirement of Member at Large, John Somerville, will be appointed by the Executive Committee as per Rule 20.1 of the NZDFA Constitution. Candidates from a short list will be approached to serve on the Executive Committee, with the appointment term running until the 2023 AGM. 

Karen and the potential future member will join sitting members Mark McCoard and Justin Stevens as the 2022/23 Executive Committee

NZDFA Selection and Appointments Panel (SAP) Positions

Four nominations were received for the three vacancies created by the retirement by rotation of current members, Paddy Boyd and Leith Chick, and extraordinary vacancy created by Stephen Borland resigning.

  • Andrew Peters, Taihape (nominated Chris Satherley, seconded Alex McIntyre)
  • William Oliver, Waipa (nominated Jacqueline Wellington, seconded Grant Dixon)
  • Leith Chick, Waipa (nominated Helen Clarke, seconded Murray Templeton)
  • Graham Peck, South Canterbury (nominated Lyall Cullen, seconded Chris Peterson)

An election by postal ballot is now required.


Postal voting papers will be sent out after Easter (alongside NZDFA invoices) and must be returned in the included envelope by 5pm May 18th.

Eligible voters are:

  • Those that own deer and have paid a subscription to NZDFA (Full or Life member);
  • Those who are an elected member of NZDFA; or
  • Those who have paid venison or velvet levies to Deer Industry New Zealand.

Selection and Appointments Panel candidates


Deer farmer, South Canterbury North Otago

I have been passionate about deer throughout my whole life, and I live the dream velvetting 650 stags and raising beef cattle, sheep and dairy heifers on our 1000ha family farm in beautiful South Canterbury.

In April 2022, I am stepping down from a six-year term as chairman of the South Canterbury North Otago DFA Branch, making way for a new, young leadership. This immensely rewarding role has enabled me to work with producers, industry leaders and consumers across all aspects of the industry.

The Board is vitally important to the sustainability of the industry. The right candidate needs the breadth of expertise and experience to compliment a cohesive team. They need to be enterprising in uncertain times and dedicated to inspire the industry towards what could be an exciting future.

If elected, I would be honoured to contribute to the industry as a member of the SAP committee.


Deer farmer, Waipa

With my wife Rosemary I farm a deer and sheep breeding and finishing farm at Arohena in the South Waikato.

Having farmed deer since 1977 I believe it is critical that we have a well-balanced and functional Deer Industry Board to represent and promote our interests.

The role of the SAP is to select the producer members of the board. I feel privileged to have represented your interests on the SAP for the last 6 years. With the knowledge gained during this period I feel I have the ability to represent your interests for a further term.

I am available for any queries on 078725551 or at  

I would appreciate your support.


Deer farmer, Taihape

No statement supplied.


Deer farmer, Waipa

I am seeking your support to become an elected member of the SAP. I farm 3500 deer producing both Velvet and Venison.

I bring experience in appointment and review of independent directors and having recently sat on the DINZ board understand the balance and capabilities important to the success of our industry.

Considering DINZ’s size and resource, DINZ is a high performing Industry Good Body. From experience I believe the SAP is a key component of this performance.

NZ agriculture and farmers are facing more challenges than ever before from Government policy, access to markets, demand for high levels of food safety, and sustainable food production.

It is important for DINZ’s future success to have directors with capability and experience to Govern our industry, giving purpose and vision to the DINZ team to manage these challenges.

I bring both experience and capability which will add value to the SAP. 


Any queries on the NZDFA and DINZ nominations and election, please get in touch with Returning Officer, Lindsay Fung, on 027 668 0141 or

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